
2023年8月30日—DxONikCollectionversion6.3releasedwithmanynewfeatures,newOpticsModulesaddedwithsupportforthelatestZ-mountlenses ...,2023年8月30日—NikCollection6.3redesignstheUItobringgreaterstability...Nik6.3AddsImprovesSharpener,HDREfex,and1,500+NewOpticsModules.,NikCollection·8powerfulpluginsfornon-destructiveeditinginPhotoshop,LightroomClassic,DxOPhotoLab,andAffinityPhoto·Everypluginhasbeenlo...

DxO Nik Collection version 6.3 released with many new ...

2023年8月30日 — DxO Nik Collection version 6.3 released with many new features, new Optics Modules added with support for the latest Z-mount lenses ...

Nik 6.3 Adds Improves Sharpener, HDR Efex, and ...

2023年8月30日 — Nik Collection 6.3 redesigns the UI to bring greater stability ... Nik 6.3 Adds Improves Sharpener, HDR Efex, and 1,500+ New Optics Modules.

Nik Collection 6

Nik Collection · 8 powerful plugins for non-destructive editing in Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, DxO PhotoLab, and Affinity Photo · Every plugin has been lovingly ...

Nik Collection 6: How it works

Nik Collection draws on the renowned Optics Modules produced by DxO. This database of more than 80,000 lens and camera body combinations provides the highest ...

Nik Collection 6

Unlock the potential of your photos with 8 premium plugins for Lightroom Classic and Photoshop. It's the quick, easy, and creative way to improve your ...

Nik Perspective Efex

These Optics Modules profile all types of optical distortion — from barrel to ... Nik Collection6. 8 Premium Plugins for Photoshop and Lightroom Classic to ...


2022年10月1日 — There are eight modules in the Nik Collection 5, half of which have now been updated. In this round, Color Efex and Analog Efex have been ...


NIK is a collection of 7 modules that work with Adobe – Lightroom, Photoshop, Elements and some other photo editors. It is owned by Google and they have now ...